Sunday, September 11, 2011

To my son Jaden on his Special day

Dear baby,
  I can't believe you're seven already! you grow up so fast . Back then you were just a tiny little boy that I love to cuddle and carry everywhere. Now, I can't even lift you anymore coz you're too heavy for me,  nor cuddle because you're slowly showing your independence, but you're still the same lovable baby who always say , "I love you Mommy or I love you Daddy". You never fail to give mommy or daddy a hug or to your baby sister which i love the most.

I love having you as my son. The first time i laid my eyes on you, i was overwhelmed with so much love. You were such a cutie and even now, you still are. You and Jira are my most precious jewels , my most priceless gifts from above. You light up our lives with your silliness and humor.

 Even if you're naughty sometimes and misbehave, still  we love you. You have more good qualities than bad ones. You're still growing up  and learning  and  I'm sure you'll turn out to be a fine young man .I'm so proud that you're doing good in school . Keep that up and  Mom and Dad  will continue to support and help you in everything we can. You can count on us to be there for you.

I just wish that  you'll  continue to be supportive and caring to your sister even when you grow older and have your own family. I know you would coz you have that loving  quality in you. Be a good boy always. We love you and have a  Happy birthday.



Monday, September 5, 2011

A poem i wrote in my English class .

                                                                             After All These Years

                                                                       You and me in our first dance
With the moon gleaming and in trance

Savoring the moments magic
Life without you would be tragic

The mountains we have climbed
strengthen our hearts that entertwined
Together we'll ride the waves of  dreams
And swim the valley of streams

Precious moments time cannot erase
It's lock up in our hearts and won't cease
Summer may turn into winter
But our love will always prevail

After all these years
love still dwells
giving us hope and inspiration
To conquer the unknown

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Back To School

Tomorrow is the start of fall classes in CCC and that means my lazy days are over. It's a start of another gruelling days of work and school plus kid's homework. For four months my schedule will be hectic again. What a life! Well,  two more semesters to go and I'll be done with school. I can't believe how far I've gone already, considering that I only do part- time classes. Time surely passes by quickly!

I just hope my classes won't be that hard. From the whispers of my previous class, they said ,one of my professors is very difficult and she give them a hard time. so, I'll just keep my fingers crossed hoping I'll be spared. Oh boy! I'm sure this will be an interesting semester.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tips in Dealing With a Difficult Co-Worker

   Have you ever felt stress-out at work because of someone who's difficult to work with? Do you experience being so upset that you want to smack that person? I know it's hard to just sit still and pretend that he/she doesn't affect you. So how do you react when face with this situation? Here are some tips to help you go through the day without losing your control.

  • Take a deep breath and calm your nerves even though deep inside you want to shake the living daylights of that person.

  • Show your sweetest smile and pretend she doesn’t affect you, though you’re seething with anger.

  • Bite your tongue off and show her the blood and tell her she’s the next victim (hahaha just kidding).

  • Just ignore her and do your work to the best of your ability, sooner she will realize that you’re not interested in conversing with her.

  • If she won’t shut off and still bothers you, then talk to your supervisor.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

For A Dear Friend

Dear Chicks,

I think of you today. How you've been. It's been so long since we've last saw each other. The last time i heard from you was when i was working in Taiwan, that was like thirteen years ago. Sorry i wasn't able to reply coz' i accidentally lost your address, so clumsy of me to do that. I was hoping you'd write again but you didn't. I guess you must be upset of my silence.

Lots of things happened in my life. I got married and have two kids now. How about you? I'm sure you have lots .the last time you wrote, you have three already and counting. I know you want a big family and I presume you got your wish. Knowing you, you'll move heaven and earth just to make your dreams come true.

It would be great to see you again and your family. I miss the friendship we had. We had lots of fun and memories of our freshman years in college .Remember how we used to skip classes if we don't like the teacher and hang out instead in the boardinghouse or go to the movie theater? How about locking one of our professor for showing up late in class? that was hilarious.Good he was a good sport and didn't fail us.Those were the carefree days.

I really enjoyed in your company. You were such a caring and good person. I hope you're doing well in everything you do.You'll always be one of my best friend and I treasured our friendship very much.Here's to a wish hoping that someday our paths will cross again. I will always be your friend.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Love Letter Straight from the Heart

Dear Dada,
       How time  flew  fast! Can you believe that its been nine years of togetherness since our lives collide in Yahoo Chat? Who would have thought that you are the answered prayer on that one fateful night? I really believe in the saying that, "Love happens in unexpected places and in your most unexpected moments".You erase my doubts and skepticism that love can exists in the internet coz' it really does.

    It was really unbelievable. You easily captured my heart on those three hours of non- stop talk. Maybe because we shared the same interests and passions in life. You don't believe in divorce though you've been in one, and I, too  have the same sentiments. Marriage to me is sacred and it should be kept forever. Being with you is the most exciting ride of my life. We have our ups and downs. We laugh. We cry. I get mad, and you are too, but it doesn't hinder us to love each other and besides,  it's  part of every relationship, right?Many people say that, fighting spices up ones marriage, as long as it's not brutal.  The good thing is, we don't dwell too much on our shortcomings  but accept each other with open arms.

  Nobody's perfect. I have my imperfections and you have yours. Compromising each others needs is the only way we can do to make this union last. I want to thank you for putting up with me through these years.For putting up my  childishness once in awhile, for my being a brat, as what you always say. For my actions that makes you  irritated sometimes that you want to bang your head in the wall. For preparing my food every morning though you're tired to get up and for loving me with no bounds. I feel really special and I could never ask for another husband like you! You're one in a million.

  Do you know what's the best thing you've given me? It's not the diamond jewelries or the flowers, but our  two precious  angels. They are the best gifts with no compare. We have our share of sleepless nights watching these two, feeding and changing diapers. But look how they've grown so quickly! I can't believe that Jaden will be in second grade and Jira in Kindergarten . Before we know it, they'll be in college and working and raising a family of their own.

 As we journey  together in this world, I promise that I will love you forever and that I would never leave at your side (except when I'll get mad and kick you, hahaha just kidding). For that, I promise. I love you dearly and always will.

Your Loving Wife,


Friday, August 12, 2011

Life of Pi

Do you believe in God? Is your faith strong enough that can withstand the test of time? What is faith? According to the bible, "Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen. It gives us assurance about things we cannot see" (Hebrew 11: 1-2). It is in this belief that Pi clings to life when he is shipwrecked for 227 days and alone in the Pacific Ocean. The book, Life of Pi by Yann Martel tells a story of a young Indian boy, Piscine Molitor Patel, known as "Pi" who grows up in a zoo in Pondicherry, India. He is a pious and smart boy who at a young age, gains an interest in different religions in search for a deeper meaning and love of God. Pi grew up being a Hindu and his curiosity and love of God leads him to embrace two other religions and incorporate it into his life. His encounter with his atheist biology teacher, Mr. Kumar, who says that, "Religion is darkness" (Martel 34) makes him realize the incredible power of belief. This resolves him to learn other religions. At age 14, he meets Jesus Christ via a catholic priest named Father Martin. He asks to be baptized. Soon after, he meets another Mr. Kumar who devoutly practices Islam and he converts to Islam as well. Pi happily practices all three religions simultaneously despite the objections of his parents and religious leaders. When the three wise men confront and let him choose one religion, he quickly says, "Bapu Gandhi said, 'all religions are true', I just want to love God" (Martel 87). Pi is driven to learn these religions due to his love for God. Though the principles of each religion contradict each other, but for Pi, it is about faith and belief to the Almighty. He realizes that even if these religions have different rituals and prayers, still, they share the same common denominator and that is, to love God. To Pi, it does not matter how many religions a person worships as long as the person believes and have faith in the Creator. Such is his devotion and beliefs without holding any doubts in his heart. In this story, through the character of Pi, Yann Martel proves to us how hard and trying but ultimately rewarding it can be to have faith when face with difficulties.
Pi's faith is tested when the Tsimtsum- the ship he is in with his family capsized in the Pacific Ocean while on the way to Canada. He finds himself being orphaned and alone with everyone and everything he has ever known sink into the ocean. With only the hyena, orangutan, zebra and the Bengal tiger--Richard Parker for company in the lifeboat, the only thing that Pi is able to hold on to is his faith. Against all odds, Pi continues to honor God on the boat by making time each day to say some prayers. Even in the face of extreme adversity and fear, Pi not only makes room for himself in prayers but also for his parents, brother and the animals in the boat that has been killed by Richard Parker. He even prays for the first fish that he kills. He states that, "I never forget to include this fish in my prayers" (Martel 231). Being a vegetarian and religious, it pains him so much to squeeze the life out of the fish but he has to do it in order to survive.
Though Pi has a strong belief in God, he cannot help but doubt his faith after a few days while drifting in the ocean. He says that, "I was giving up. I would have given up-if a voice hadn’t made itself heard in my heart. The voice said, "I will not die. I refuse it" (Martel 186). He wants to give up living because of fear from the tiger and the predicament he is in, but upon hearing the voice, it resolves him and revives his will not to succumb to death. Instead of moping and cowering in fear, he starts planning for survival and thinks of ways how to tame Richard Parker. Pi is no match against a monstrous beast. Having limited food, water and knowledge of the sea, Pi feels powerless but having faith during tough times helps him stay in focus.
Pi's faith has inspired his will to live when he says,” so long as God is with me, I will not die" (Martel 186).His faith in God becomes his constant source of hope in a hopeless situation. His beliefs that God will not let him die in the vast seas, but instead, will deliver him to safety in due time uplifts his sagging spirit. Pi believes that God is with him and will carry him all the way throughout his ordeal. Even if he cannot see God in person but in his heart, he is alive and cheering him to go on.
Pi's belief goes with him throughout his journey. It becomes as important as food and water while on the lifeboat. One time he wakes up in the middle of the night and feels terrified looking at the wide expanse of the ocean, he "mumbled words of Muslim prayer and went back to sleep" (Martel 224). He is able to fall asleep comforted by his prayers. Prayers are a very important part of Pi’s day. He prays during sunrise, midmorning, late afternoon, sunset and night (Martel 240). He calls out to God and make sure to include Him on the list of what he has. He never forgets to thank God for the fishes and the turtles that he catches and for the tiger who provides him companionship and comfort. This only shows how Pi's unwavering faith stays with him and makes him calm despite his horrible situation.
At times, Pi often comes close of losing and giving up his faith after the constant suffering he faces on the boat, but as always he is able to restore and keep it burning in his heart. He states that,” the blackness would stir and eventually go away, and God would remain, a shining point of light in my heart. I would go on loving" (Martel 264). Pi's faith is dwindling at times and there is an element of despair in it but by clinging to his beliefs, it appeases and enables him to fight his loneliness and tribulations. Pi has strong faith in God that he is able to fend off his anxiety and fear. He realizes that God must have tested his faith and how far he can endure. He knows that God must have a reason for him to be spared from death. His beliefs that he has been given a miracle makes him more determined to survive and face the obstacles.
Throughout his ordeal, no matter how bad things got, Pi "turns to God" (Martel 358) and finds hope and comfort in it. Though no one can prove God's existence, yet his presence keeps Pi alive. He surrenders everything to God and let Him leads the way. When he lands in the beach in Mexico, he says, “It was like the cheek of God, and somewhere two eyes are glittering with pleasure and a mouth was smiling at having me there" (Martel 360). God is not gone and did not leave him throughout his trying times. Without that faith that deeply rooted in his heart, Pi would have given up dozen of times. Through all of his trials, he never surrenders and keeps on going.
Yann Martel tells us that no matter how brutal life is, having faith will give a person the strength to carry on. That a belief in God can be hard when times are difficult, but through strong faith as Pi shows to us, can persevere and rise up. His message to the reader is not about holding on to a particular religion but it is about having faith in something that you cannot see. Through the story of Pi and Richard Parker, Martel shows to us how sticking to one’s belief can be the most important thing in the world. At the end, the reader may choose to believe or not, that whatever beliefs you have about God, no matter how superficial or deep it is, you will have a better story in your life.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Power Of Prayers

As we pass through this world, once in a while, we feel that gnawing feeling of hopelessness and desolation. Sometimes, we feel that the whole universe had crushed upon us and seems there's no way out. When you think that family and friends can't help to ease your pain, say a little prayer.

Prayer can move mountains.It can heal a troubled heart. It calms your inner being and still your restless soul. It gives you comfort and peace. It opens our eyes and extends our horizons. It sheds light into the darkness of our fears and our sorrows, our joys and hopes, our shame and our pride. It gives us new ways of seeing life and relationships .Your prayer may not be answered right away or may not be answered at all, but He's listening. He Knows your sufferings. He knows your thoughts and feelings.

The power of prayer is awesome and immeasurable. Don't drown yourself in misery, instead reach out to Him and ask for enlightenment. Why not do it now?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Remembering My Father

He was a person besieged with addiction--alcohol and cigarettes. The substance that he put in his body on a daily basis killed him while still in his fifties. I used to think that it was very irresponsible for him to do that-- leaving his family to cope up without the head of the house.

But now i realized that addiction is something you can't fight without the help of a professional.It's a chronic disease that will eat a person slowly until it's too late for help. That's what killed my papa.

Despite his imperfections , i still love him and miss him everyday. I used to wonder what my life would be like if he's still alive. I know for a fact that he was a very possessive and protective father. I can attest to that. He and Ma would fight because of me being left alone in the house . I was the apple of his eyes. What can i say, being the youngest daughter, i have all the love and attention. I was spoiled rotten, not with money because we're poor, but with love.

If he's alive today, i'm sure he'll be happy to see how our lives have changed.Gone was the small bamboo house we used to live in-- it's been replaced by a nice concrete bungalow. it may not be at par with others but still it looks modest . Everybody got their own families, except cito who's always bound in the house.Life is not that hard anymore and we're so blessed with many wonderful things. I'm sure he's grinning from ear to ear while watching his grandkids from above and proud of our accomplishments.

Wherever you are papa, you are greatly missed and that you're never forgotten. Everytime father's day come, I think of you and wish you're able to see my kids. Jaden is more like you, he got your personality and charm.Sorry if i don't visit in your grave often, i live so many miles apart, but you're always in my prayer.

Love you,


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dear Lazy

I know its hard to resist you when you sits in, in my being. You're like a glue that sticks and hard to get off. Why is it that you choose to bug me during my most vulnerable moments? fighting you is impossible, i might as well give in to being lazy...that's what i have become for these past days. thanks to you, for rubbing it on me.


My Inspiration to Write

Growing up in a remote village, we didn’t have access to a public library. Even our school didn’t have one. Learning English as a second language was a struggle because we didn’t have enough resources to study with. We relied mainly on the teacher’s knowledge and some very old books that I couldn’t even read some of the pages clearly.

Going to high school was a big change. I noticed that my classmates were more advanced in their command of English. So, I frequented the library as often as I could just to keep up. My fascination with books knew no bounds, from Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, Mills & Boon and up to fiction and autobiographies of famous people. I was so hooked on those books that sometimes my mom scolded me because I didn’t do my assigned household chores anymore. Sometimes, she would threaten to burn the books. Words like, “Books won’t get you anywhere” was an everyday litany of my mom then. She married young and didn’t finish School so I understood her sentiments. Little did she know that books helped me a lot in widening my vocabulary as well as enhancing my ability to communicate and to write.

Reading books inspires me to write. I copied every passage which seemed interesting and meaningful. Verses, poems and adages found their way in my notebook. I would jot down words that were quite unfamiliar and that I would seldom come across. Whenever I was upset by something or feeling down and melancholy, I would write. It became like a therapy to me. It uplifts my spirit. I could vent out all my anger and frustrations without being laughed at or ridiculed. I discovered I could write more when I was at peace with my surroundings and in a joyous mood. I had a favorite tree in our backyard that I used to climb atop and would scribble notes there. Sometimes, I would sit in the middle of our ricefield and write some observations about the beauty of nature, about how beautiful life is, and about my dreams and goals.

When I went away to college for a couple of years, I wrote lengthy letters to my parents. Being a father’s favorite, my dad would get upset and worried if he didn’t hear anything from me and would show up unexpectedly in my dormitory. It was an overnight trip by boat so sometimes I felt bad about it. Since then it became a rule that I should write as often as I could. During those times, writing became a part of my everyday life. I would exchange mail with friends from other places just to catch up with the latest gossips or just to keep in touch. Oftentimes, I would drop a few notes to my brothers.

Although I’m fond of writing, I didn’t give much thought about developing it until I met my husband .We had a long distance relationship in which it hurt so much to be so far away from each other that I would just console myself by making poems for him. Amidst the humming of the machines in my work area, there I would be, trying to rhyme some words. Some of it ended in the trash can, but others landed on his hands. There’s one composition that he liked so much that he enlarged and framed it and presented it to me when we got married.

Despite a hectic schedule, once in a while I still write .Mostly it’s about my kids little actions that I wouldn’t want my husband to miss-funny things they did, silly faces they made and words they‘re trying to say that brought laughter in the air. All those things I put into the paper so that they’ll know what they were like when they’re growing up and how they brought so much joy into our life.

As I scanned through the pages of my old notebook, I can’t help but smile. It brought back memories from the past and how my life was changed throughout the years .It’s a reflection of who I was and who I have become. I’m glad I was able to bring back those times through the power of writing.

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Heart Wrenching Story

I just met her a couple of days ago, she is also a filipina with two sons and married to an american. After doing some bible sharing with her in our house , i asked her how she met her husband.It was just a simple question, but it opened up old wounds that i'm sure haunts her from time to time and wished that she could bury it into oblivion.

Her story goes on like this...

She and her husband today were penpals for a couple of years until one day, they decided to go on their separate ways. She met another american, got married and settled in Missouri. After a year, they were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. It was one winter morning on a weekend, when her husband decided to visit a relative in a nearby town. Being too tired working from the previous night, her husband told her to drive.She was hesitant at first coz' she's not a seasoned driver with that slick ice in the road, plus she just started to learn how to drive, but with her husband's prodding, she gives in. With her husband and daughter in tow, they began their journey.

It happened so fast....

While trying to maneuver the car in the hilly road , she lost control of it, it spins and hit a tree.She had a vague recollection of what exactly happened, but she remembered clearly the lifeless body of her husband sitting in the passenger seat when she glanced at him .Her daughter was not moving either. She only got scrapes and bruises but the loss of her loved ones were the scars that even time cannot heal her anguish.

Her story doesn't end there.

She was sued by her mother -in law and the siblings of her dead husband for wrongful death. I can't imagine the pain she was suffering at that moment. It seems like her world was crushed and she had nobody to turn to. She was alone trying to fight with her deaceased husband's relatives whose interest were only for the money that she's about to collect from the insurance company. The life insurance money she got from her dead husband was enough to pay for the law suit and it left her penniless. Aside from that, her mother in law forced her to get a life insurance policy and make her a beneficiary.With her lawyer's advice, she didn't get it and instead, ask help from her long lost friend.............

With no one on her side and grieving, she remembers her penpal and contacted him. Good at that time , he was still single and had no romantic relationship with anybody. They rekindled their relationship and got married. Now, they're blessed with two kids.

It's a very tragic story and I applaud her for being brave amidst her sufferings. And I'm happy that she found happiness again though she longs for her daughter.It was a very traumatic experience, that being inside the car makes her shiver and scared.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

An Open Letter to Summer

Dear Summer,

After months of enduring the cold and driving in that slick ice, i long for you. I prayed that you'll come sooner.

Yes, you came alright but with cruel intentions, i guess. I was very excited of your coming. I picture a warm sunny weather, that we can frolic in the sun without getting burned, but what have you got for me- you unleash a blistering heat for these past days making me sweat and perspire. The sweat trickles from my forehead down to my armpit which doesn't usually happen but it does. Whats up with that? If you can only see, i'm sure you'll laugh.Now, can you understand why i'm miserable?

You're supposed to be my favorite time of year, aside from Fall, but now you keep me thinking. The once verdant green grass in our yard and the neighborhood are withered because of you. I don't want to be confined in my room, always facing the airconditioner. You're only be here for three months, so ,I want to enjoy you. Me and the kids have lots of activites in mind, but if you keep pouring this intense heat, it will all be fruitless.

I hope it's not too much to ask, but,will you please be kind enough and let this mugginess go away? I'm sure lots of people will love you for that. A mild warm summer is all i ask.



Monday, July 18, 2011

Dear Sleep

Why you always come to me so early during night? I hate you, you know.I havent' finished watching my movie and there you are beckoning my eyes to close. Thats not fair. I can't fight you but i'll find a way. just watch out. Goodnight.



Saturday, July 16, 2011

10 Things Why I love My Kids

Jira and Jaden

1.They are my kids, so i have no choice but to love them. Lol

2.They are so darn cute that i can't resist giving them hugs and kisses always.

3.They came from me so they're a part of me.

4.They're so loving and can be in their best behaviours if they want to.

5.They obey orders when they have no choice.

6.They make messes all the time.

7.They can be irritating sometimes and stubborn but thats' what kids are, right?

8.They're so innocent and full of funny stories.

9.They accept and love me as their mom.

10.No matter how bratty they are at times,they make my life happy and complete, and that i wouldn't trade anything in the world.

Love you babies............

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hang On There

A poem i wrote while at work today.

Hang On There

When life's treating you bad
And you feel sad
Just hang on there

When friends doesn't seem to care
And left you hanging in the air
Just hang on there

When tragedy struck
And left you dumbstruck
Just hang on there

Today maybe your pain
And you seem drained
But just hang on there

Life is too precious
To succumb to your woes
So just hang on there

Amidst life's turmoil
A silver lining will eventually appear
So brace yourself and
Just hang on there

Monday, July 11, 2011

My Brother's Predicament

My brother is in a deep turmoil these days because of what happened to his two sons, Jag and Levis. The last time we were there in the Philippines, they were full of energy and looking forward on their first day of class. A few weeks later, Jag caught a typhoid fever and landed in the hospital. after Jag got better, Levis followed suit.this time it took three different hospitals before a doctor finally found out what's causing his fever.He got a kidney infections that makes his white blood cell count rise .It's been three weeks now and he's still under observation.The only consolation we have is that the fever is slowly dropping.I pity my brother for what happened to his kids and the mounting bills he got.I know he doesn't have much resources but i'm sure he can find a way.
I'll just hope and pray that Levi's will get better soon and be back to his old self.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

My day today is quite uneventful and i've been feeling rather dry, so let's be romantic for a while.Have you ever seen the sun rise at the first crack of dawn? from behind the towering mountains the sun peeps out shedding its first morning light.From a distance,a verdant green fields slowly unfold fresh from its morning dew.In the nearby orchard, the trees groan from its fruits as the wind tosses them to and fro.A flock of ducks slowly walk to the water's edge ready for its morning drink.These lovely belles of nature dot the sorroundings with its glory and splendor .
Well Dear Diary,It must be breathtaking to witness all these coz' i must confess, i had never seen the sun rise at the first crack of dawn.

My Husband's Dancing Skills

Ed's take on Michael Jackson's song, Billie Jean .

Saturday, July 2, 2011

I'm Back

Hi folks it's been quite a while since my last post. I've been in hiatus for over a month. Since i arrive from our 3 weeks vacation in Philippines, i felt so drained and out of energy. That many hours of long flights took its tool from me. All i want to do is sleep and sleep after work. Now i guess i've slowly regained that energy back. So what's new? Lots of things happened for the past weeks--We trade-in my husband's truck and got a chevy trailblazer.It has a nice blue color and so far we love riding on it.Aside from being roomy, it's cheap on gas too. My friend Mina and her husband and kids are relocating to auburn from las vegas. In fact, Richard already found a house and is busy decorating it for Mina's return from Philippines. This monday we'll be celebrating America's independence day from Great Britain, so that means three days off for me.I'm sure we'll be watching fireworks tomorrow. What else? So far it's been a great week and lots of sunshine. Happy Summer everyone!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Never Again

Why do people keep promises that they can't keep? Is" the word of honor" gone in this world? I'd like to think that there are still people out there who are trustworthy and deserve kindness,but not the people i know. It's sad, because I just want their life to be better even just for a day .I want to help, even giving the last ounce of penny in my pocket, but, what they do in return? left you stranded and struggle without even mumbling an apology.

People can be heartless sometimes and indifferent to other's feelings. They just want to use you and when they are done, they left you cold.I should know better but what can i do, i'm just a trusting kind of person .I have a soft spot to those who needs help but now, i've learned my lesson. Never again will i allow myself or my family to be used. I will hardened my heart and build and impenetrable wall within myself.

Forgive my venting but this is the only way that i can let out my emotions that has been overflowing of anger for the past days. How i wish that i could turn back the hands of time and start all over again but it's too late now.I'll just face the reality and hoping those people will realize the hardships they created.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A tribute to my beloved Mama

This is dedicated to my mama Geline on mother's day..........

Dear Mama,

It's been so long since i penned a note for you. I can't even remember the last time i did it. I'm so caught up with a busy life, juggling work and family, that writing to you is the last thing in my hectic day.It doesnt mean i don't think about you often, coz' i do. it's just that, calling by phone is more easy and fast way of getting in touch. It's almost 12 midnight here and i'm thinking about what would be a fitting gift to a woman who selflessly dedicated her whole life in raising eight kids to be the best that they can be.

I know you've been through a lot of struggles and sufferings , i myself witness that. But through your tenacity and perseverance , you emerge victorious.

I'm not good in expressing myself, i'm not good in showing my emotions, but today is the exemption. maybe because , jaden woke me up early this morning and give me a note he made for mother's day and it was the most touching message coming from a young mind trying to express his feelings.

Today, i want you to know that you are loved, that all your endeavors in raising your kids are greatly appreciated ,that no matter where am i , i always thought about your well-being and always pray that you're in your best self every passing day. All your teachings about respect and love , i carried it with me hoping i can impart it to my kids . with your unending love and support and believing in me, i become what i am today.To that i give you credit.There's so many superlatives to describe about you but it only boils to one thing , you're the best! you might not be a perfect mom but you're the greatest ...

Happy Mother's day Ma and see you soon... Your grandkids are excited to see you and i'm sure you are too.

with lots of love,

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Need Some Motivation

Why can't i bring myself to be motivated so i can finish my class project on time and start studying my lessons for the exam next week? I'm always cramming these days.It becomes a normal pattern that it makes me stress out but still i do it. I guess there's no one to blame but me.I know, i'm back to being lazy again ,which is not unusual.I keep being sidetracked to these movies that i got from netflix. I keep saying to myself that later i'll study but it's already evening and still i havent started the four chapters that will be included in the exam.what the heck! oh well, i guess i'll just have to force myself to do it or else i'll be in trouble.Can't afford to fail, not now.I think it's time to bring that studious person that has been gone long time ago.Lets just see.......

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Gift of Friendship

This poem is lovingly dedicated to all my wonderful friends............

Friendship is a priceless gift
that cannot be bought or sold

for its value is far greater than a mountain made of gold.
for gold, is cold and lifeless.

it has no ears to listen
no hearts to understand

it could not bring you comfort
nor reach out a helping hand

so, when you ask God for a gift,
be thankful if he sends not diamonds, pearls or riches
but the love of a real true friend.

My Hubby's Birthday Surprise

Last thursday was my husband's natal day but i pretended that i forgot his birthday though i told my 4 year old daughter to greet his dad when i'll leave for work that morning.When i got home from work that day, he was so upset coz' of all people,his wife did'nt bother to greet him.Little did he know that i was planning a birthday surprise for him the next day in a chinese restaurant with some of our close friends.He was caught off guard when we walk inside the restaurant and there they were, saying happy birthday to him in unison.My husband was teary eyed at that moment while everybody around him was laughing.He became more emotional when he started blewing the candles of his naked woman cake, a happy birthday song was played in the restaurant.I was really surprised that the staff will go to such lengths to make his birthday memorable.Over all, it was a happy celebration.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Gorgeous Day

What a beautiful day today! a far cry from what the weatherman predicted--rain and snow showers.Sometimes it's hard to believe what the meteorologists are saying now- adays,sometimes they get it right, other times it's the opposite.Oh well,what matters most, is the sun doesn't hesitate to shine its rays today. I'm sure lots of people welcome this weather change after months of cold, gloomy winter.Dont get me wrong, I love winter. I love the beauty of it and the scenery it created, but it seems like it has no plans of going away sooner.The sun shining today is a sure welcome of those dreary, cold days.I'll just cross my fingers hoping winter will bid adieu to make way for spring and summer.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Life of Pi

The first few pages of this book are so boring that i keep yawning while reading it.But since it is required that we should read it for our english class, i have no choice but to endure it. This is not the kind of book that i like. mostly, my favorites are, spionage and romance fictions.As i read along, the story became interesting and horrific.It will make you question if this story happens in real life or just a figment of the imagination of the author. This book is worth reading and makes you wonder about your faith.If you were Pi, do you think you can get through this ordeal without losing your own mind? Pi's journey in the ocean is unbelievable but through his faith he was able to pull through.if not for his faith, he would have given up and die in the pacific.Yann Martel tells us that it is worth to have faith during trying times.

Lazy Day

Here i am sprawled in the couch tinkering with my laptop while all around me is in chaos.Yes, the house is a mess, toys are scattered everywhere- compliment of my two little rascals, dishes are piling up in the sink waiting for me, but despite these turbulence ,i still can't bring myself to get up.i feel so tired lately that even my exercise routine every weekend is put on hold.Good i have a husband who feeds me and the kids or we all go hungry. Weekends are just a lazy days for me. my energy is zapped after five days of hard work. I called it "hard work" coz' lately we are pressured to work on our butts so we can reach in our qouta everyday.But how can we do that when everything is taken away from us? like the tools that we're accustomed of using was replaced with junk! No wonder people's emotions went ballistic sometimes. Mine is not an exception either. I recall the words of my teacher in a business class , she said that, "sometimes management are just too arrogant to acknowledge that they know the job too little compared to the rank and file people who do the dirty jobs",that is quite true! they tried to make it easy for us when in fact, it's the other way around.Now here i am, trying to ease my aching body with a little massage here and there hoping that i can get out of this couch with a renewed energy to tackle the days ahead. Oh well, this is just a musing from a disgruntled observer.